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10 Things to do when you're a weary artist


This happens to me quite frequently. I get stuck in an artist rut of not knowing what to do or create. Maybe I'm bored or restless with sitting at my computer for hours, Im probably hungry, and chances are I'm also not very focused or excited about my project at hand. Whatever the case I just end up staring at a screen or a piece of paper for hours on end. Its a little unsettling not getting anything done after a whole day, but sometimes days like this are needed. And its days like this where I always go back to my college procrastination ways just to get a fresh outlook on things.

1) Go for a walk. A long walk. One with headphones in or a camera in hand and just take in the things you see. Stop at a park and sit on a bench. Literally go smell some roses. Just get outside and stop being bored in a room you aren't doing anything in anyway. This is first on my list because its always my go-to anti creative blocker activity.

2) Bake or Cook. Probably my back up go-to for when I don't seem to be producing anything of value or interest. Food gets you're mind off of the task at hand and everyone produces better work on a full tummy!

3) Do a different creative activity. Sometimes as creatives our hands and brains get tired of doing the same process over and over again. Yes its stimulating doing a familiar activity over and over again, but it can also be tiring and draining. So switch it up and maybe give finger painting a try not that you aren't in kindergarten anymore.

4) Read a book. Im such a big advocate for self improvement that I swear no matter what the list reading will always be on it. Doesn't have to be a self help book, reach for that favorite book of yours thats practically falling apart from all the times you've opened its pages and discovered new worlds and characters within its contents. If you cant tell Im a book nerd.

5) Go workout. For me personally sometimes I just cant be inside. I'll be anxious to do an activity thats more of a physical drain than mental. A good 95% of the time Im right. When I get some of that pent up energy out of my system the creative block is gone and I feel better.

6) Nap! Sounds silly but that power nap you've been wanting all afternoon may be just the thing you need to get you out of your funk. So take a little snooze and see how the creative juices flow after a little RnR.

7) Call an old friend. Sometimes going back to ones roots is therapeutic and much needed. Me and my best friends go all the ay back to kindergarten and sometimes its just needed to sit in a comfy chair with a warm drink in hand and hear their voice to bring you back to how you started as an artist and how far you've come.

8) Find a new place to work. I work from home and on occasion I'll be so bored of my surroundings that I pack up everything and go to my local coffee shop. Given I actually have to wear pants there, but hey its the sacrifice for free wifi and fun seasonal drinks.

9) This one is a bit of an extreme but, road trip? For me getting out of the house is always needed but sometimes getting out of the immediate city is even much more needed. A change of pace, new sights and smells, and the potential for getting lost always tests a persons creativity and problem solving skills. So make some weekend plans and see what you can find!

10) Take a technology hiatus. I think a lot of us get so caught up in checking all of our social media platforms multiple times a day. We get obsessed with seeing what everyone else is doing that maybe we aren't so focused on ourselves and our plans and goals. So shut off the phone, close the computer and really reflect on what you personally want instead of seeing all the fun things all your friends are doing online.

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