Why Expressive Exposé exists

Yay for you! You did that thing! That graduating thing! You have that shiny piece of paper with your name on it and no more school for you! The only problem is... you have a ton of debt, no place to live, and no jobs lined up. GREAT!
A year ago I was in the same spot. I knew I wanted to continue with my photography but I really had no game plan. I think for the first three months I just slept in and took a break from photo. I was so over people telling me what I needed to create for a grade. I was really burnt out. I still had my college job working at a frame shop in my college town so my parents really didn't pester me that much about getting a 'real job' yet.
However after some less that ideal problems at the frame shop I gave my two weeks notice and I was back at home doing nothing. I finally went back to my love of photo, creating these amazing images I truly wanted to work on the entire time I was in school. I was happy! I was still broke, but I was happy to be working.
No classes that I had taken in school really prepared me to go full business mode and literally start a business. I was lost. I was pretty much clueless. I was determined to make this work! More and more creatives that had graduated before me had told me horror stories of how they could only do their creative work part time because it couldn't pay the bills. The term starving artist finally had meaning, and I hated it.
I knew there were these amazing artists in the world who were supporting themselves and their families doing the work they loved. I refused to give up on the idea that any creative couldn't reach that same level. So here we are....
Expressive Exposé was built. Built with you in mind. Built for the need of my fellow creatives and all their business inquiries. So ask away. dream as big as your heart desires and be happy while doing it.